Friday, January 9, 2009

Mashed Potatoes, Rainbow Sherbet, and Strawberry Jello.

Yep, that's all I've been eating since getting my wisdom teeth out...
I dropped two pounds yesterday alone, because all I ate was a bowl of jello and a bowl of I'm TRYING to eat some more today...I'm just really not hungry for some reason.
So potatoes it is! I actually love mashed potatoes, so it should be tasty! I'm actually not in much pain, and haven't taken my prescription painkillers today at all. Its just I keep craving things that I CAN'T popcorn. ugh. Now I know how my brother must feel with his braces...
No outfits this post. I'm sitting around in my pajamas with this weird ice pack thing around my face that makes me feel like a little kid with one of those awful head gear things...ick.

BUT I had to post these weird shoes I found:

Aren't they just bizarre? I searched "red shoes" and found them...they look like they would HURT!


Couture Carrie said...

Those shoes are crazy!

Feel better, and keep eating that Jell-o :)


Squishybubble said...

Thanks for the comment! xD Your blog is really cute....would you mind linking up?
Those shoes are wild! Imagine the blisters one could get...ugh!

Amelia said...

I'm glad you're feeling relatively alright. :)

Those shoes are insane.

giggleness said...

wow. my feet would kill me if i wore those. :)

aww. my friend got her wisdom teeth out a while ago and she was in so much pain. :( feel better!

K8 said...

Those shoes do look painful.
I hope you can start eating more things soon.
I love mashed potatoes.

kimberleigh rose said...

Ohhh... I like them. They're like a combination of pointe shoes and heels. Weird, but definitely cool. -kimberleighROSE

yellow, white, red ROSES

In-tree-gue said...

these are amazing! but they do llok rather painful

The Stylish Wanderer said...


yiqin; said...

These are honestly heels that KIll. Literally. Imagine how crushed the toes will be! :s

Siska said...

these shoes are terrible!

Alice X said...

WHOAAA, wtf!!! those are seriously scary, my toes would ACHE!

The Fashion Pinko said...

those shoes are nothing short of just creepy, to be honest.

Anonymous said...

those shoes are actually fetish heels. commonly used by Dominatrix's.

Anonymous said...

I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills