The leggings were ALL sold out at Express! I checked online and checked SEVERAL stores, including one in New York where my Grandma lives! But NO ONE HAD THEM!!!
Ugh, I am so SAAAAAAAD!!! =[
Hopefully I'll be able to find them on e-bay...
This is the outfit I wore yesterday! I love my bowtie! I was kinda inspired by Blair Waldorf off of Gossip Girl... My friend said some people at Life Teen (which is sort of a combo between Sunday School and a youth group for Catholics) could not stop staring...but then again my church IS filled with a bunch of preps, who were probably all freaking out since I wasn't wearing Abercrombie. haha.

Shirt: American Eagle, Skirt: old (my Mom's), Tights: old, Belt: Mom's, Shoes: Nine West, Bow: from my closet...its the same bow I wore in my hair on New Year's.
Now I'm off to finish cleaning my room before my dad decides to never let me drive again...which has been my punishment for the past to weeks. PLEASE LET ME REMEMBER HOW TO PARALLEL PARK!
I love ruffles! And don't worry, I'm 19 and don't drive. I refuse to.
The necktie is lovely.
Good luck finding the leggings :)
This is super cute. I definitely see the Blair influence. You know, Forever 21's higher end line (twenty-twelve?) has sequine leggings. The sequins are oversized though...
Cute outfit!
Try American Apparel for leggings :)
That's really tragic about the leggings! on the other hand, I love your outfit!
by the way, I tagged you. =]
aww Im sorry about the leggings!
aww sucks about the leggings
but you look amazingly chic in that outfit. :)
I know exactly how you feel! My school is so preppy (you know the abercrombie clones who wear uggs and sweatpants all the time!) I hate them!!! oh and thats totally blair!(1st season)
oh and yaay first follower!! hehe
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